The Joint Chiefs of Staff are the most senior military uniformed leaders in the United States Department of Defense; they advise:

·      The President of the United States (POTUS)

·      The Secretary of Defense (SecDef)

·      The Homeland Security Council, and

·      The National Security Council


The Joint Chiefs have NO operational or command authority; they are high level advisors. Operational & Command is the responsibility of the 11 Unified Combatant Commands (UCCs). [See "Resources" menu to read about the 11 "Unified Combatant Commands".]  


Enlisted advisor: Sergeant Major Troy E. Black is the senior non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Armed Forces; E9, U.S. Marines Corps. His salary is $10,000 per month. He is the Senior Enlisted Advisor to, and reports only to, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


The Joint Chiefs of Staff consists of the:

·      Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Charles "CQ" Brown)

·      Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Chris Grady)

·      Military Service Chiefs:

o   U.S. Army - Chief of Staff of the Army (General Randy George)

o   U.S. Navy - Chief of Naval Operations (Admiral Lisa Franchetti)

o   U.S. Air Force - Chief of Staff of the Air Force (General David Allvin)

o   U.S. Marine Corps - Commandant of the Marine Corps (General Eric Smith)

o   U.S. National Guard Bureau - Chief of the National Guard Bureau (General Daniel Hokanson)


each Military Service Chief is appointed by the U.S. President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.


[Note: the U.S. Space Force and the U.S. Coast Guard are NOT members of the Joint Chiefs. The Space Force is under the Secretary of the Air Force; and the U.S. Coast Guard, during Peace time, is under the Secretary of Homeland Security, while during war time, is under the Secretary of the Navy.]


Each of the individual Military Service Chiefs report directly for their (Civilian) respective U.S. Secretary of their Military Department i.e.

 ·      Secretary of the Army (over the U.S. Army & U.S. National Guard) - Christine Wormuth 

      ·       Under-Secretary of the Army – Gabe Camarillo

·       Secretary of the Navy (over the U.S. Navy & U.S. Marine Corps [U.S. Coast Guard in wartime]) - Carlos Del Toro 

      ·       Under-Secretary of the Navy – Kenneth BeLieu


·       Secretary of the Air Force (over the U.S. Air Force & U.S. Space Force) - Frank Kendall 

      ·       Under-Secretary of the Air Force - Gina Ortiz Jones


Photos of the U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff & other Military Chiefs:
Image result for Charles Q. Brown Jr. President Governor of District 1
 General Charles "CQ" Brown, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
    - The nation's highest ranking military officer, U.S. Air Force
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Admiral Chris Grady, Vice-Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation's 2nd highest ranking military officer; U.S. Navy; Deputy to the Chairman
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General Randy George, Army Chief of Staff
    - Senior officer in the Army; reports to the Secretary of the Army
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Admiral Lisa Franchetti, Chief of Naval Operations
    - Senior officer in the Navy; reports to the Secretary of the Navy
 Image result for Erik Smith Marines. Size: 120 x 185. Source: www.marines.mil
General Eric Smith, Commandant of the U.S. Marines Corps
    - Senior officer in the U.S. Marines Corps; reports to the Secretary of the Navy  
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 General David Allvin, Air Force Chief of Staff
    - Senior officer in the Air Force; reports to the Secretary of the Air Force

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General Daniel Hokanson, Chief of the National Guard
    - Senior officer in the National Guard; reports to the Secretary of the Army  
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* Chief Master Sergeant Ramon "CZ" Colon-Lopez
  - He is the senior non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Armed Forces; E9, U.S. Air Force. He is the senior
    enlisted advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

The military heads of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines are intimately involved in personnel assignments to the various Unified Combatant Commands (UCCs). Each UCC incorporates at least two of the military branches.


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