VFW Post 3348 members come from North King County --- Shoreline, North Seattle, Edmonds, Montlake Terrace, Lynnwood, Bothell, Lake Forest Park, Kenmore, Lake City, Greenwood-Phinney surrounds, Green Lake area, UW, Wallingford area, etc.
We meet once a month, on the 1st Wednesday of the month, in 7:00pm, at the Acacia Memorial Park 14951 Bothell Way NE in Shoreline. We serve dinner 1/2 hour before that. For one night a month, we take the time to honor our flag, honor our country and honor our Constitution, along with enjoying friendly comradery of our fellow veterans.
Comradery is a big reason why veterans have joined Blackburn-Aurora VFW Post 3348. We have a great group of veterans, all of whom will more than welcome additional Vietnam, Iraq & Afghanistan veterans joining our Post. For more information or to join us, click on "Contact" or call our Adjutant and Membership Committee Chair Jim Peterson @ (206) 522-0508 or (206) 316-7405 [Cell].
The VFW traces its roots back to 1899 when veterans of the Spanish-American War (1898) and the Philippine Insurrection (1899-1902) founded local organizations to secure rights and benefits for their service: Many came home wounded or sick. There was no medical care or veterans' pension for them, and they were left to care for themselves. Some of these veterans banded together and formed organizations with what would become known as the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) of the United States.
After VFW chapters were formed in Ohio, Colorado and Pennsylvania, the movement gained momentum. By 1915, membership grew to 5,000; by 1936, membership was 200,000 and now is over 1 million. VFW's voice had been instrumental in establishing the Veterans Administration (VA), creating a GI Bill for the 20th century, the development of the National Cemetery system and establishing VA mortgage loan services for buying a house. In 2008, VFW won a victory with the passing of a GI Bill for the 21st Century, giving expanded educational benefits to America's active-duty service members, and members of the National Guard and the Reserves.
VFW has fought to improve VA Medical Centers services for women veterans. Besides helping fund the creation of memorials for the Vietnam, Korean War and Women in Military Service, the VFW in 2005 became the first veterans' organization to contribute to building the new Disabled Veterans for Life Memorial, which opened in November 2010. Annually, the million-plus members of the VFW contribute more than 8.6 million hours of volunteerism in the community. From providing over $3 million in college scholarships and savings bonds to students every year, to encouraging elevation of the Department of Veterans Affairs to the U.S. President's cabinet, the VFW is there.
VFW Post 3348 in particular holds at least one Buddy Poppy events a year (always Memorial Day). The Buddy Poppy has been authorized by the U.S. government to be used by VFW for fundraising --- VFW Post 3348 typically uses the donations they receive from their Buddy Poppy fundraising events to donate to organizations that serve veterans --- USO Northwest (SeaTac), Shoreline Veterans Center, Fisher House (Seattle VA Hospital), etc.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) of the U.S. is the nation's largest and oldest major war veterans’ organization. Founded in 1899 and chartered by Congress in 1936, the VFW is comprised entirely of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, Guard and Reserve forces. With a million-plus VFW members located in thousands of Posts worldwide, the nonprofit veterans’ service organization is proud to proclaim the VFW motto: "NO ONE DOES MORE FOR VETERANS”. We are dedicated to serving veterans, legislative advocacy, and military and community service programs.
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Our programs support our service members while they are on the front line, as they are being discharged and long after they return. Your tax-deductible donation will be immediately directed to the VFW programs where your support is most urgently needed.