Al Campbell
Past Post Commander - Army

Born 1918, WW II, Past District #2 Commander. Al Campbell first became our Post Commander in 1984-85; his one and only time as District #2 Commander was 1990-91. He was elected our Post Commander again in 1995-96.
When he was elected our Post Commander for a 3rd time in 1999-2000, he stayed Post Commander, year after year, until his last year in 2005-06. Thus, he served as our Post Commander for a total of 9 years; matched only by our current Post Commander, Carl Christophersen who has been our Commander since 2010-11.
Al was still alive when Commander Christophersen was first elected. Commander Christophersen figured out that Campbell was Post Commander in 1980 when our properties were sold --- meaning Campbell had to sign the legal sale documents.
Commander Christophersen confronted Campbell and asked him why he did that. Campbell told Commander Christophersen that he wanted to buy another building --- which in 1980, $1.2 million could buy a very nice building --- but he said Quartermaster Al Brede did not want to do that.
Commander Christophersen said to Campbell "who the hell cares what Brede wanted." It did not make sense until Commander Christophersen found the Post member who was in charge of renting Blackburn Hall. His name was Harry McBee. Harry told Commander Christophersen that Blackburn Hall was rented almost every week; but that Brede kept 2 sets of books and very likely was skimming off rental payments.
The kicker came when Commander Christophersen heard that Brede was offering selected members & personal friends, money to keep their mouth shut. Harry said that Brede had offered him $25,000 to keep his mouth shut. Harry said he was doing very well as a contractor and told Brede to keep his hush money.
Brede then started to spread rumors that Harry was skimming the rent which dead-agented Harry when Harry tried to tell other members what Brede was doing. Then it became clear that Campbell had taken hush money. Sad. Very sad.


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