VFW SERVICE DIVISION – VFW Department of Washington
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Service Division is a full-service non-profit organization that assists veterans, their family members, and survivors. The Service Division is an advocate for veterans and their families, and aggressively pursues all federal and state benefits and entitlements on their behalf.
The Veterans Service Offices are staffed with accredited Service Officers to assist veterans and family members in accessing benefits to which they may be entitled, including.
Using a case management approach, our staff attend to the needs of the individual and their families by providing counseling and referral services in a holistic fashion. This includes representing veterans in cases adjudicated with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Seattle.
Contacting a VFW Veterans Service Officer (VSO):
When meeting with your Service Officer, please bring as many of the following documents with you as you can to help us prepare your initial claim for veterans’ benefits.
VFW Service Officer Locations:
DSO Todd Gruchalla todd.gruchalla@va.gov
Seattle Regional Office M - F 7:00 - 3:30 pm 206-341-8284
Kathy Nylen Sharon Wines
Vancouver M - F 7:30-4:00 pm 360-696-4583
vfwvancouver@outlook.com Phone Appts Only
360-659-6414/ 360-696-4061 Ext. 33464 360-759-1605 Fax
1601 E 4th Plain Blvd. Bldg 15, Rm 112, Vancouver, WA 98661
John Toe
Seattle VA Hospital T, Th, F 7:30 - 4:00 pm 206-341-8284
Randy Clawson
Mount Vernon CBOC Closed due to COVID Contact Everett
Currently Closed
Everett Veteran Center M - F 7:30 - 4:00 pm 425-740-2703
vfweverettvso@gmail.com No In-Person
Riannon James
Fife Headquarters M - W - F 7:00 - 4:00 pm Appointments Only vfwhqfifevso@gmail.com 253-344-5985
T - TH 8:00 - 2:00 pm Walk-ins
Chal Queen Roslyn Miller
Yakima M - F 7:00 - 4:30 509-654-7191
Nadine Warren vfwyakimavso@gmail.com Appointments only
Retsil-Port Orchard M - F 8:00 - 4:30 pm 360-895-4358 / Fax# 360-895-4451
nakeisha.jones@va.gov Appointments only
1141 Beach Dr. East Bldg 10, PO Box 8175, Port Orchard, WA 98366
Nakeshia Jones
Spokane Vet Center M - F 7:00-5:30 pm 509-444-8387
Cheri Knox cheriknoxcrafts@gmail.com Appointments only
Will Sampson William.Sampson2@va.gov